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Counteract Balancing Beads are a glass bead that works by centripetal force and electro static energy to balance a tyre and wheel assembly for the life of the tyre.

It has been scientifically proven to improve fuel economy, decrease tyre wear, help tyres wear evenly and reduce/eliminate vibration through the steering wheel. The tyres also run at a cooler temperature.

Counteract Balancing Beads are also reusable as they are glass and are not affected by mud, dirt, water, or anything else that may occur to a tyre or airline used to fill a tyre with air.

It is an economical method to balance wheels on light truck or truck vehicles.

The beads come in a small bag which is labelled and colour coded based on the size/weight of that specific bag.

Do not forget to do a normal tyre and wheel inspection. This product will not work on a damaged or buckled rim, or an irregularly or badly worn tyre. The ideal condition is a new with no wear and tear. If the tyre fitter has not checked the condition of the tyre and wheel and/or does not assemble the wheel/tyre correctly onto the vehicle, the product may not work.

The application is simple:

  • First refer to the tyre size application chart (attached in photos, or on support page)
  • Select the correct size bag of weight (or weigh out the amount required, based on the chart’s recommendation)
  • Tear along the dotted line
  • Throw bag of beads into the tyre while one bead is off the rim (the bag is very fine so it will break open, release the beads, and evaporate within the first few kilometers/miles of driving)
  • Fill the tyre with air
  • Use the valve core provided in the bag
  • Drive away a happy customer

These beads will save time, and will also save manual labour and potential injuries.

If you would like to research and read testimonials before or after purchase, refer to the counteract balancing website


Product Code: 16310


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